Credit scores and reports are important indicators of your financial health. They play a vital role in your financial life, as such, acquiring the knowledge of how to maximize your credit reports and scores is critical. Also, knowing that credit score follows you forever and plays a huge role in major financial situations you’ll find yourself in your life, placing adequate focus on it is essential.

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A credit report is a detailed report that shows the history of your bill payment, the loans you’ve acquired, current debt, and credit cards used. In other words, it is the record of your credit activity and credit history. A credit report may include:

The list of companies or lenders that have given you individual credit or loans

The amount of each loan obtained or credit limit for each credit card

How often you pay credit or loans, and the amount paid

Companies that have requested your credit report over a certain period

Personal identifying information e.g. address, employer, etc.

Your Credit Report May be Requested Request by The Following:


Mortgage Companies

Insurance Companies


Collection Agencies

Judgment Creditors

Entitles that have a court order, etc.

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Credit Score is a three-digit number that is based on the information in your credit report. The higher your credit score, the better it is. Credit score changes constantly to reflect the performance of a credit report. Many lenders consider the credit score of borrowers before approving loans, as it helps to determine the likelihood of a consumer repaying a debt responsibly.

Your Credit Score May be Requested by The Following:


Loan Lenders

Credit Card Companies

Retail Stores, etc.

Learn More about Your Credit Information

The Credit Agents is dedicated to helping individuals learn more about consumer credit reporting, consumer credit scoring, and how to fix or repair their credit. If you’ll like to learn more about this, please feel free to reach out to Joe Chavarria at 832-293-8389