As a consumer debt attorney, people come to you as a last resort. They hope that you can bail them out of the current financial difficulties they’re facing. You’ve to do everything within your power to help them.

The New York Federal Reserve reported a consumer debt increase of $85 billion in the first quarter of 2021. With the growing consumer debt and the pandemic making it hard to pay, you’ll get more clients. To provide reliable legal services, contract other specialists like credit expert witnesses.

The idea is to provide a strong argument which the expert witness supports. Learn the specific things that make a great credit expert. You’ll partner with this expert and discuss how to best serve clients sinking in debts.

Keep reading to see what you need to know about hiring a credit expert.

The Right Timing

The time you hire the credit expert witness will have a huge impact on the ruling you get. Waiting too long means that the expert has limited time to prepare. Despite his best effort, he may fail to offer a strong professional testimony.

You need to allow the expert adequate time to study the client’s financial and debt reports. The information will help him develop a strong argument to present in court. The expert will also formulate strong opinions that favor your client.

When other debt resolution measures fail, and you’ve to go to court, start looking for an expert witness. Bring onboard the expert early enough to allow easy sharing of information. Also, the credit expert witness will have enough time to prepare for the court presentation.

Educational Qualifications and Experience Level

You’re looking for a witness who has in-depth knowledge and experience in consumer credit. A person who understands the legal implications for failing to pay household debts. You need someone who can share professional opinions which are acceptable by the court.

Seek resources that’ll help you know the different bodies that certify consumer credit information experts. The idea is to see the specific examinations that a person must pass to be certified. Also, you’ll look for how often these experts renew their licenses.

The objective is to hire an expert who understands the FCRA and FDCPA violations. With the help of these experts, you’ll establish instances where a creditor has violated the consumer’s rights. The plan is to use these violations as a building block for your court argument.

You need an expert who understands various types of consumer debt and has worked with many clients. With this expert as your witness, you’ll get reliable opinions and testimonies. Also, the right credit expert witness will respond well to questions raised by the creditors suing your clients.


As a consumer debt attorney, you definitely know the law, so why do you need an expert witness? The witness will provide opinions and testimonies on things you already know. Why not just add these things to your opening or closing arguments?

If you have these questions, you’re missing out on the roles of a credit expert witness. Although your expertise is in consumer debt law, you lack advanced knowledge in finance. Also, you need a witness to support the arguments you’re presenting in court on behalf of a client.

The credit expert witness will provide credibility and objectivity during the court hearing. He’ll provide professional opinions that are backed by years of experience in the field. The goal is to persuade the court to pass a ruling in favor of your client.

Fees You’ll Pay

Your clients are people facing financial difficulties, and most cannot afford a consumer debt attorney. You must carefully monitor all the fees you’ll charge a client. The goal is to make your legal services affordable.

When looking to hire a credit expert witness, check how this affects the final fee you charge. Search for experts who have friendly rates for the services they offer. The aim is to eliminate any situation where you end up overcharging a client.

Review the pricing model the credit expert witness you’re considering uses. Some experts will charge you hourly, while others have a fixed fee for the entire duration you engage them. Also, you may need to pay a retainer to the credit expert witness you plan to use in the future.

Evaluating all these things gives you insights into the best credit expert witness to hire. Also, adequate research will help when negotiating the fees with these experts.

Level of Involvement

How often should you involve the credit expert witness? Should you share all relevant information with this expert? Know that level of involvement affects the quality of services the expert delivers.

You’re making the work of the witness expert extremely hard when you fail to disclose material information. Yes, the information may be damaging but keeping it a secret is not a solution. The best credit expert witness remains fair and objective irrespective of the information you share.

Sharing all vital details makes it easy for the expert to help you when preparing for court. Also, the proper involvement of the expert witness will ensure he provides reliable opinions and testimonies. The idea is to avoid making contradictory claims that only hurt your client’s case.

Once you hire this expert, agree on the channel you’ll use to communicate. Ensure timely sharing of information to keep the expert in the loop.

Become a Great Consumer Debt Attorney by Seeking the Service of the Top Expert Witness

You’re doing a noble job by offering legal services to people facing different debt collection measures. For example, some of your clients have been sued by creditors. You have a professional and moral duty to offer the best legal advice and representation to these people.

Getting outside help is one of the ways you can become a great consumer debt attorney. Search for the top credit information experts who’ll provide this help. The idea is to use them as witnesses when representing a client in court.

Contact us now and get a qualified credit expert witness.